DILG's Mandatory PPAs
DILG7’s Customized PPAs


DILG's Mandatory PPAs
LGU Access to Financing / Foreign Assisted Projects

The Millennium Development Goals (MDG) Fund finances projects that clearly contribute to the attainment of any or all of MDG Goals 1-7 such as those on health, poverty reduction, water sanitation, education and other socio-economic projects.

The Special Local Roads Fund (SLRF) Program is intended for the rehabilitation of roads in the countryside. In Region 7, SLRF implements of roads projects in the 4 provinces and 12 cities.

President’s Bridge Program (PBP) II is an Austrian-assisted project implemented by the DILG and beneficiary LGUs which aims to accelerate development in the countryside. The project is designed to address accessibility and transportation problems in far-flung communities and increase the public’s access to basic serviced through the construction of local bridges nationwide. Project implementation involves replacement of temporary and dilapidated bridges with the provision of bridging materials, equipment and technical services. It also aims to develop the capability of the LGU and facilitate the transfer of technology in planning, designing and installing steel bridges. There are currently 4 bridges being constructed under PBP II in Region 7.

Provincial Roads Management Facility (PMRF) is an Aus-Aid assisted project which seeks to improve road management and services by delivering civil works in identified provincial road sections.

Program Outcome: Conflict-free and Safe Communities